The new SWTOR Swoop racing event is now available on PTS

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The SWTOR Swoop Rally is a new version of the public test server this week. This update also brings a new "Welcome Window" that includes a highlight when you log in to the game. Swoop Rally is the name of the new repeat event, which was released in June 2020 with SWTOR Patch 6.1.2. Please read the following to learn more details about how to try the event on PTS and what to expect from the official launch of the event! Since the patch introduces the only new event that has been rumored and mocked so far, BioWare has re-emerged SWTOR Public Test Server SWTOR Credits as a highlight.

In all worlds, the last assault rally will be a repeated event found on three planets (Dantooine, Onderon, and Tatooine). The event is scheduled to start within two weeks after the release of SWTOR 6.1.2 update, and the current goal is to release it in June. These events usually last two weeks when they are first introduced, so I hope the same will happen in the SWTOR Swoop Racing event.

Now, in PTS, you can test unfinished versions of movie scenes and dialogues. Except for the voices of aliens we usually hear, voice acting is still unavailable.

Most of the game part looks stable. The SWTOR Credits is fully functional, all missions and interactive targets exist and seem to be running. But let's talk about it later! As with all other events, the event can be initiated by purchasing the huge floating news terminal at the intersection of Buy SWTOR Credits in IGGM and the outer circle of the Republic Fleet. As I said now, the dialogue is wrong, it is possible that you are stuck in what seems unfinished and closed dialogue choices.

All dialogues are "classic KOTOR style" meaning that your character will not speak his own lines and the camera will stick to the back, but considering that BioWare and all other game developers are sad, this is understandable, and All developers can work from home, and then things get slower and slower. After hearing the fleet alert, you will be sent to Dantooine, where you can talk with some NPCs.
