At 6pm Eastern Time on June 1st, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic will be launched in the Americas, Europe, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. If you are a World of Warcraft Classic player, you only need to wait patiently for a few more weeks before you can relive the Burning Crusade expansion at the above locations.
This expansion was completed in the original World of Warcraft in 2007, and it will add two races (draenei and blood elves) that you can play, as well as more regions, teams, and instances. You will be able to venture to Hellfire Peninsula, a wasteland where demons and evil monsters can roam freely. Blizzard plans to gradually add content instead of discarding all the content created for the Burning Crusade at once.
This expansion was completed in the original World of Warcraft in 2007, and it will add two races that you can play, draenei and blood elves. At the same time, it will add more areas, teams and instances. If you like adventure, then in this expansion, you will be able to venture to Hellfire Peninsula. Hellfire Peninsula is a wasteland where demons and evil monsters can roam freely. And, Blizzard plans to add content gradually, rather than creating all the World of Warcraft Classic Gold content for Burning Crusade at once.
However, after the pre-expansion patch starts to roll out on May 18, you will need to make a choice in WoW Classic. You can choose to enter Burning Crusade, or you can choose to stay in World of Warcraft Classic. You can choose to move the current state of the game to a new server, or you can choose to clone the character to play both versions of the game at the same time. All options are free, but cloning a character requires you to spend a certain amount of money.
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