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Start by talking to Ur Tag at Dorgeshkan. Speak about Zanik, and you find out that Oldak went up to the surface to collect some"tools". Head to Duke Horacio, and he will OSRS gold say his commerce secretary was robbed recently. The method of entrance points into HAM.

Nothing was taken except a client test that the secretary had, and one of Oldak's teleport spheres. Inquire about Oldak, and you discover that the evaluation mentioned he was timid of their surface and preferred to maintain a place that reminded him of home. You also learn the files mentioned that Zanik no longer coordinates trade. So, HAM might now know Zanik is now gone.

Head to Lumbridge Swamp and you will see Oldak as well as the 4 adventurers (out of Lost City) arguing. Oldak believes they understand about the fairy circles, they believe he understands about Zanaris. Interrupt to point them out how to enter Zanaris and you will be supplied 10k.

Request Oldak why he wants to know more about the fairy rings, and he'll say he would like to return to Yubiusk to rescue Zanik. Tell him about the Dramen Staff, and he'll say that it is too inconvenient to go to Entrana every Rs gold 2007 time he needs one, so he tells you the both of you have to go to the Dramen Tree, attempt to get a seed, and develop a new Dramen Tree at Dorgeshkan. Tell him you will meet him in Port Sarim.
