This can 100% be done in 1 year if they don't waste resources on a boring career style like Face of the Franchise. I am not purchasing Madden 21 coins unless there are SIGNIFICANT franchise developments. But I am not getting it until late in the year once it is available even though that does happen. So maybe if they really listen to once, it'll be rewarding but I am not expecting much of anything else. I'm hoping M22 will really give franchise the adjustments it deserves.
They will make franchise style just decent enough to rope you for the 60 admittance ticket. Then they will funnel you towards ultimate team as far as they possible. Upgrades and new content for UT weekly but franchise style will stay largely the same on day 1 which it is 12 months later. I enjoy UT, especially squads, but it is pretty shitty just how EA pushes the ultimate team arena in all their sports games now. It was a brand new thing in the previous iteration of NCAAF and I wager their frothing at the mouth hoping that title returns in the Cheap Mut 21 coins future in order that they could have another cash cow UT game.It's fine to at least get an acknowledgement. We have nothing in Nintendo with #FixUltimateOnline. I expect EA provides Madden the exact same treatment they did Battlefront II in response to this backlash.
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