In pursuiting hack’n slash followers and developers, “Path of Exile” will soon receive a new extension called Echoes Of The Atlas.
In waiting for “Path of Exile 2”, PC players will find “Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas” from January 15th, while console game players will wait for the game on the 20th. The content is rich, including many new content, including POE Chaos Orb, new combat system and new skill tree. Players will challenge 11 new bosses, experience new environments, increase rewards, and experience a new league called Ritual.
In addition, Harvest and Heist are now added to the base game, and it has changed all ancestry categories.
In addition, it will invite players to take part in the challenge of Prodigy, The Prodigy is a mysterious entity that observes players. This challenge will involve facing the boss through fresh rounds, knowing that it is possible to face ten bosses at the same time. If the player defeats these bosses, they will eventually be able to challenge the prodigy in the expected extremely difficult battle. Obviously, you need to equip Orbs and Scrolls with equipment, upgrade equipment, and consider rethinking the passive skill tree. They can do this by trading with other players or buying items. In addition, they can also choose to purchase items on Eldorado.
Finally, the new skill tree should increase the possibility of the game. Contrary to the usual, these new trees will directly affect the game experience, especially through Buy POE Currency or the chance to win items. Obviously, new objects will appear in the game.
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