When buying a game on Steam, we can choose to buy it for ourselves or choose the option to buy it as a gift, and then choose a friend or family member from the friend list to buy the game for them. Part of the Steam game collection after the recipient has redeemed and installed the gift. Of course, the game bag can also be used as a gift, but not four bags.
After you send the gift to your friend, your friend will receive an email notification and the notification displayed on the Steam client, and then open the link. Choose to accept or decline the gift. After accepting, the game will be automatically added to your media library, and then you can install the gift on your computer. If you choose to decline, the sender will be informed that the gift has been rejected. Of course, there is one month to consider how to choose.
Check your friend's personal information in the friend list, you can know whether the friend has the gift you want to give. Of course, when you choose a friend to gift it, it will automatically filter out the Steam friends who already own the game. You can give multiple gifts to a friend at once, but you can only choose one friend at a time during the gifting process. You can also select the scheduled delivery button to select the date so that your friends can receive your gifts on their birthdays or special days.
In your steam inventory, you can view the pending gift options to view your gift records. If your friend hasn't played the game recently, remember to remind him to accept it. If you want to return your gift, make sure that within 14 days, the gift recipient's game time is less than two hours before the refund is possible.
If your friend is just keen on Steam Level Up, the effect of giving away one or two games is not significant. It's better to give them the Buy Cheap Steam Level Up service to help them quickly upgrade their level and have more information display cabinets and emoticons. A badge that can represent the game level will be the best gift.
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