In every league in Path of Exile, players start from scratch. Not only through balance adjustments and new endgame features, but especially after Buy POE Currency, players can maintain a sense of freshness. This is blunt, because it is clever, because developers have noticed some important building blocks to make this alliance mechanism interesting.
No rocket science: the perfect construction of the temple by invading or betraying the sanctuary of the betrayal usually requires some research, and greatly slows the flow of the game in Path of Exile. The ritual exempts it, but provides a subsequent reward for the monster to defeat! If you don’t want to do this, you can ignore these altars: for example, if the map is often too steep or you want to save time, you can ignore these rituals.
Targeted selection of rewards: Similar to shopping tours, the income of the altar is not random. We can get POE Currency or save it for later purchase. You must also pick up items that primarily belong to other content of the alliance.
The ritual ship in action is weird: if the chaos of the ritual is not enough for you, you can simply engage in a ritual battle that you particularly like. Using special ships, you can save failed ritual enemies and add them to other maps. If you then start the ritual here, then you must also deal with the enemy brought to you-greater danger and more loot!
Perfect synergy with other alliances: Since the battle of the ceremony takes place in the map itself, you will directly benefit from the ceremony when it comes to other alliance mechanisms that rely on many opponents. Therefore, when the mechanism is activated, there will be a lot of Beyond Monsters-when the ritual is activated, irrational will reward rain more.
All these aspects ensure that Ritual is the perfect after-get off work league: if you want to close and simply clear some maps, you have the ideal accompanying mechanism that can be completely ignored or provided with a lot of extra loot as needed. After all, players can purchase POE Currency to get the most valuable items.
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