The speed flip is considered something of an advanced Rocket League maneuver

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The speed flip is considered something of an advanced Rocket League maneuver

The speed flip is considered something of Rocket League Credits an advanced Rocket League maneuver, but that’s not to say it’s complicated. It’s essentially a variant of the basic flip cancel, where you swing the joystick in the opposite direction of your flip in order to stop the rotation while mid-air.

The difference here is twofold. Instead of beginning the flip either straight up or down, you need to begin at a slight angle. This angle ensures the car will roll along its longitudinal axis as opposed to its lateral axis. The other main difference is that you want to cancel the flip immediately; otherwise, the car will continue to flip either nose-up or nose-down.

Again, you need to initiate a flip with the joystick LOLGA slightly tilted either left or right. Once midair, perform a flip cancel by swinging the joystick in the opposite direction. You’ll know you’ve done it right when the car effectively does a barrel roll — a side-over-side flip where the hood remains pointing roughly straight ahead.
