1. Pay off your moving loan debt as soon as possible.
When you arrive on your island, one of the first things that happen is Tom Nook gives you 5,000 Nook Miles to cover your moving expenses. You'll have to repay this, and it's best if you do so as soon as possible.
After you've paid off your debts, you'll be able to upgrade from a tent to a real house, which means you'll have more built-in storage for everything you'll collect during the game, rather than having to carry it with you.
After paying off your debts, you'll be able to access Nook Mile Rewards, which include special items and recipes, as well as Nook Miles+. These are tasks that, once completed, earn you miles – and they always refresh, so it's a simple way to earn a little extra cash.
2. Using time travel to speed up the passage of time
If you haven't noticed, time in Animal Crossing differs from other simulation games in that a "day" in the game is only a few hours in real life. The game, in fact, operates on real-world time, so the digital sun sets only when it is evening outside.
This also means that the seasons in the game change as they do in real life, necessitating a significant amount of patience. That is, unless you want to go all out and tamper with the fabric of time and space.
3. Get free bells by harvesting Money Trees
Our parents might tell us that money doesn't grow on trees, but in Animal Crossing, anything is possible. Money Trees are trees that produce bells rather than fruit, and they're a fun way to make some extra cash.
4. Trade bugs and fish to gain access to the museum
Trading bugs and fish with Tom Nook will entice Blathers to pay you a visit, which will grant you access to your island's museum.
5. Use clams to make your own fish bait
You'll be doing a lot of fishing in Animal Crossing, so make sure you know how to make your own Fish Bait. After you've dug up your first manila clam, you'll be able to get the recipe.
Look for black dots on the beach that shoot out water jets if you're looking for Manila clams. At the DIY Workbench, shovel them out and use them to make Fish Bait. They are worth 100 ACNH bells if you want to sell them.
6. To avoid wasting Nook Miles, swap fruits
Different fruits can be found on different islands in the game. Fruit trees on your island can be shaken and sold for 100 bells, while “exotic” fruits not native to your land can fetch up to 500 bells.
Finding them is the difficult part, as it necessitates a lot of travel and a lot of Nook Miles.
Instead of flying around, why not share them with your friends? If you have friends who play Animal Crossing, make friends with them in the game so you can visit each other's islands and see what fruits they have.
Then, on your island, plant these fruits and watch them thrive in your own backyard.
7. Eat fruits to boost your energy levels
Fruits aren't just good for getting more bells; they also come with some pretty cool power-ups.
When you eat a fruit, a small counter will appear in the top left corner of your screen; the higher the number, the more powerful the power up. Gaining strength and the ability to destroy rocks and dig up whole trees with an axe and shovel, respectively, are among the benefits.
These "fruit aficionados" aren't always a good thing, though. Being too swole and breaking an entire rock, for example, results in the spawning of “less useful” resources.
One solution is to dig up and replant a tree – repeat this process until your fruit meter returns to zero. It's time-consuming, but it gets the job done.
8. If you're slow and sneaky, you can easily catch bugs
One of the most aggravating aspects of this otherwise tranquil game is getting so close to catching a bug only to have it fly away at the last second.
The key is to keep your head down and move slowly. By holding down the "A" button and slowly moving forward, you can creep forward. Remember to take a break so you don't scare the bugs away, then keep going until you're close enough to catch them.
When catching more dangerous creepy crawlies like scorpions and tarantulas, which will attack if provoked, this is especially useful.
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