Rsgoldfast - Lower yourself into the chasm with a Light Creature

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Zanik and Zanik will be interested in checking out the Guthix Temple you uncovered, even if it's awash with old school runescape gold demons. The expedition will be limited only to the outer areas and you won't have to worry about Tormented Demons. However, you'll need combat gear, for ranging and melee, and lots of food because the fight is set to take place.

Lower yourself into the chasm with a Light Creature, then talk to Oldak who tells you that there's a great perspective from which to view the area. Go through the chasm to the Magic Gem Rocks. Then you can climb back up. Finally, cross the ledge to reach the flat ground. Speak to Oldak. Ah, I see a lot better from here. Based on what you've shared with me about Movario, I now have an idea of the Stone of Jas that you spoke of. I think...

Well now, I thought that if I looked up [your name], I'd discover something interesting, and so I have. But , knowing comes with costs. I'll be paying for it. Wyvoch starts blazing at you. Oldak, Zanik, you and Zanik cover themselves behind a boulder. Zanik gets an idea. You can't step out and take a shot at the kin since he will just blast you before you pull back the bowstring. Wyvoch is hit by Zanik's crossbow as she fires in an angle. The bone bolt curves and Zanik shoots it.

Now, fight the monster. He's at level 463 and uses an advanced version of Fire Wave that hits 30s and Smoke Barrage. The prayer you make will give you partial protection here, like in PvP. You should be able to move him away because he is a an extremely strong mage defense. Zanik can also take on against him. He'll use melee to jump to your platform when at 2/3 health. When he reaches 1/3 health he will laugh at your efforts, and cast a Smoke Blitz at you. Zanik leaps up in front of you, and is struck. Wyvoch is teleported. Oldak and you take Zanik to Dorgeshkan so that she can be treated for poison.

Oldak will assure that Zanik will become better with time, but it takes some time. You can visit Thaerisk at Falador Castle to learn that Lucien was discovered. An island north of the wilderness has been found, and it is too risky to teleport, since there is a good chance that cheap OSRS gold there will exist antiteleportation spells.
