AION Classic is free to experience it for free, but after passing, some of the players have left, and some choose to leave.
It is now very lack in those moments of PVP. There is no new player's influence, and the lower layer of the abyss feels empty. I rarely saw the opposite party ran to run. Oops, even my Ashmidian is also a rare scene. I really saw that many Elyos or Asmodians running out of the city during the bees. These events have occurred five times a week, which is very useful for arrangements, organizational players, and planning. However, every time you have a 50-level 50, which makes the low-level player enter and participate in it in the absence of almost no death.
I hope to be killed in the Robot Wars in the Classic of the Eternal Tower. Since the launch of Classic, the robot will only be worse. This is very obvious when the robot operates in the city - and now when the robots collect resources or develop mobs. Many players discuss robotic activities on the official Aion Classic forum, even how they have dueled by challenge the robot and let the monsters get the last blow to kill them to try to make the robot sad. Some players will make themselves stronger through Buy Aion Classic Kinah or Aion Classic Gold.
Players questioning whether the reported robot activity is resolved, a member of the AION community team commented, saying "After reading this thread, I have a call with the main contacts that handle these reports in the team and let me say, after our discussion, it is obvious that we are actively prohibiting robotic accounts. "No exact numbers are given, for example, how many robotic accounts have been deleted so far, but knowing that at least one person is handling it is a good message. It does let me want AION Classic based on subscriptions, just like a retail release. I hope this will eliminate robots and gold sellers, leaving only a close community consisting of dedicated players.
MMORPG in the world today is only self-destructive. Free game options are a nice appetizer, which may be valuable for those who play only one hour or so. However, if you spend more than this in this MMO, you can almost pay your subscription fees. After the first free hour, AION Classic has too many aspects to be revoked, such as collecting materials and earning the abyss points. As a disclaimer, NCSoft West is indeed a 90-day code for me, which can be used in Aion Classic, allowing me to get SIEL's radio gain when playing games most of the time. MMOSO Provides Secure Sales of Aion Classic Kinah To Protect Your Account Security. Real Players Can Polish It Online, So You Can Buy with Confidence.
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