The game was not a success

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Alongside the announcement the release date for the game was also announced. According to the announcement it will be officially released on MT 2K22 September 10, 2021.

The game was not a success. regarding the game. According to reports, the PC version will not be compatible with the latest version of the game. In this regard, cross-platform support won't be added to NBA 2K22 until the end of this year.

This move is believed to be taken to stimulate gamers to purchase more games.It's unclear what the game's price will sell on console. The game will cost 429 TL on Steam. It is possible to anticipate that the game would be released for 500 TL on consoles.Unskippable loading-screen advertisements that show up in NBA 2K are causing a stir again.

This weekend, Stevivor announced that an ad for Oculus appeared before the standard "episode" of NBA 2KTV that is shown before an NBA 2K21 game that is loading in one of NBA 2K21's different modes. Users are forced to view the entire commercial, and it doesn't ask them to switch their lineups throughout the loading of the game.

Monday morning Polygon used the Xbox One game to search for the unskippable ads. They weren't found in MyCareer, MyTeam or any of the Play Now matchups. It's possible that this is only affecting certain versions or regions, or 2K Sports already nixed the ads in the aftermath of Buy NBA 2K Coins the weekend's chaos. To get clarification we spoke to 2K representatives.
