We arrived at Jagex on Thursday morning

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I will not publish names until I have talked to RuneScape Gold the players and made sure it is okay with them, however there were several high ranking members and free players. We had a great time having a great time with the other players.

We arrived at Jagex on Thursday morning. They allowed us in not only because we arrived however, but also because they invited us. It was only because they had invited us. They don't permit people to just arrive. They invited us to a break-room area, where we had refreshments.

Following that, we completed the formalities of introducing ourselves and signing the Non Disclosure Agreement. We were also given details about the weekend's plans. Andrew Gower and Mark Gerhard were also present, and we all had a great lunch.

After lunch, we went back to Jagex The mysterious land where they began to take us through every department. It was a great experience. Two individuals from each department would take some time explaining what they did and why.

Alongside the information they shared during the trip, we learned that it's an excellent workplace where everyone loves the work they do. Andrew and Mark advised us to ask questions regarding each area. We also had the opportunity to meet with them at the end to discuss our questions. They were extremely relaxed and just eager to Buy RS Gold chat with us. They answered our questions and explained on the reasons for why they responded the way they did.
