After all players of Geshin Impact have learned about the new world area Inazuma, another game update will now be ushered in. The 2.1 version called "Floating World under Moonlight" will arrive on September 1. New storylines, new characters, and new Buy Genshin Impact Accounts activities are coming, and the update also includes fishing. There is also a new linkage character Aloy, who will also enter the field of Geshin Impact.
The Liyue Harbor will be replaced by the 2.1 version of the Moon Chase Festival, with decorations and activities. The content of its holiday storyline is to hunt down the origin of Moonchase and do some cooking along the way. During the period, there is a special new four-star character Claymore, as well as holiday collections to hunt down. But in fact, this is not a sword, but a giant fish called the Luxurious Sea King. In addition to the "fish" update in this part, a complete fishing system has also been added to the game. Players will be able to make their own bait, and then go fishing with bait in various waterways. You can even build a special pond in your Serenitea Pot player house to raise the ornamental fish you catch.
Aloy's abilities were also explained. Aloy's identity will be a five-star Cryo archer. She has several freezing skills in different areas, which seem to be able to cause good freezing damage. When the player's adventure level reaches level 20, he will receive Aloy in the mail. But we have to see her in the 2.2 update, and PS4 and PS5 players can get her in the 2.1 version.
Mihoyo also distributed some Geshin Impact codes, and players who use these codes should have received some free Primogems and other rewards.
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