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I don't want to spend weeks doing this, I don't want to spin Flax, '' I don't wish to'Camp' at the Crafting Guild, I don; t t care about making a Profit...I simply don't want to spend heaps of money on this goal. I want 61 Crafting as quickly as possible and OSRS gold when possible under 200K ( In case your method is very very quickly I am willing to spend up to 300K if you can convince me to do it). ... too, If you would like to buy up to 2.5K Coifs don't hesitate to PM me. . .If you buy 100+ I will sell at 100ea (GE has cheapest Price at 120ea)

I was watching a video and they'd kings knights coaching place I did quests to get in there and its gr8 but hit alot of 0 (orges in cages) but at ways itsd fantastic as u dont need to run about creating crabs pop up... can somebody help me? What's the best place to train range using a cannon? I've: 46hp, 62 range, 1 prayer, 1 def, 50 mage, str and att are non. There my stats incase and my cb is 41... The places I know are... Rock crabs, Kings knight training place, Stronghold. They're the places I understand that give me good range xp and no other xp if I use cannon. Can anybody suggest or tell me I will hit often with a cannon or orges, ty.

I began the Haunted Mine Quest a very long time ago when I was like level 58, I died and lost some valuable things. I'm thinking of trying again. I utilize lobsters, I've dragon legs, dragon dagger (p++), granite platebody, dragon medium helm, granite shield, dragon mace, dragon longsword, ancient mace, rune hally, (a few other melee weapons), I have a magic bow, I have a tendency to utilize iron arrows, magic I have the runes needed. Although I prefer melee I'm much better in it. I've blue dragon hide. I have splitbark armor. Please tell me what to do to conquer Treus. I'm much better with Buy rs 3 gold melee, however if I want to do half and half I'll do it. How should I take action. Thanks.
