Blizzard announced that from day one, World of Warcraft will run natively on Apple Silicon. For gamers and Mac fans, this is very happy news!
This news has been posted to the world on Blizzard’s forum. The company said in it that it will provide support in this week's patch, especially 9.0.2. Let's continue to say that World of Warcraft will run natively on the ARM64 architecture, not under Rosetta's simulation.
For Mac, this is the Classic WOW Gold favorite of Mac enthusiasts, and for most players it means that the MMORPG they will choose should run smoothly on Apple's new machines. Of course, sometimes there may be some tricky questions, but the fact that World of Warcraft will run natively on Apple Silicon is the music in the ears of macOS gamers. Even if you may be small.
In fact, Apple machines and macOS are not game powerhouses, but World of Warcraft is one of the few AAA games with long-term support.
Since its announcement last week, Apple Silicon has been a topic in the technology industry. Whether people are studying the WOW Classic Gold project's first chip M1 or the first benchmark test to be released, the entire industry is paying close attention to the Cupertino giant.
Although this is the first time Apple has changed its processor in the past 15 years, this time it is different. Because it manufactures its own chipset. It is said that compared with previous Intel processors, there are many improvements, including better power consumption to battery consumption ratio-but most of the performance enhancements of the M1 chip are not for gaming. This is not surprising. Although gaming is a goal Apple is actively pursuing on its mobile devices, it is relatively quiet on laptops and desktops.
This is why Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft will run locally on Apple Silicon from day one, which is very interesting for the wider industry. This not only provides continuity for players, but also provides clues to other game publishers about the ease of development of the M1 chip and Apple’s new machines. And, perhaps more importantly, port existing titles to.
If successful, people hope to see other Blizzard games gain local support, such as Overwatch or Starcraft, and games from other companies. Currently, it is not even possible to know whether the new Mac with the M1 chip will work properly in the real world, let alone playing games. However, the fact that the WoW port happened so quickly and very smoothly, for Mac gamers, this must be regarded as good news.
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