PS4 players and Xbox players who haven’t spent $70 to purchase the next-gen Madden 21 don’t have to worry about paying that fee. Because once they’ve bought the latest version of Madden 21 on their respective platforms, they can upgrade to the next generation platform for free for the latest in fun. All they have to do is buy some MUT 21 Coins to stay in the game and buy new players or new items.
It will release this update the day before the next-generation version is purchased, so users using the latest version can play the Xbox Series X and Series S and PlayStation 5 versions in advance. However, there are some restrictions that you can currently only play The PS5 version of the game is offline. EA wrote in an article in the Madden category of the official forum that because they are conducting ultimate tests for the problem that submitted a solution, the PlayStation 5 version of the game has not yet been connected to the server.
EA has said in previous announcements that they do not allow players to upgrade the next-generation version of the game on digital-only consoles, but EA can now allow players to use their account information to verify They order to get a free upgrade. Before the official release of the next-generation Madden 21 on December 4, Madden players will not be able to access the next-generation version directly from the game copy.
PS5 users now need to go to the game center and select the upgrade offer on the main menu to experience the next generation of Madden 21 and Xbox users only need to update the game. If they want to occupy the dominant position after entering the game, then they can now Buy lots of Cheap MUT 21 Coins at GameMS. Show time!
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