GGG reveals Atlas passive skills statistics for Path of Exile

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Grinding Gear Games studio has released the third part of the statistics about the Ritual Alliance, which is currently in Path Of Exile. This time, the development team focused on Atlas' passive skills. Now there will be more motivation to promote your accumulation of POE Currency.

Hardcore gamers on servers with lifetimes prefer lightweight content, thus sacrificing returns. Players in the standard league choose dangerous passive skills, which can enable you to obtain more valuable loot. These guys collected data for all accounts that selected at least 1 Atlas skill. "Etiquette" leagues are called "standard" leagues, and they are divided into different regions.

All this information shows that more dangerous content (such as Delirium or Legion) is not so popular in hardcore leagues. In single player leagues, players prefer mechanics who allow you to obtain exclusive items or good equipment. Grinding Gear Games plans to further develop the Atlas tree, so they want to hear feedback from players on what they like and dislike. You can also purchase POE Currency when playing the league to enhance your game strength.

GGG said: “It’s great to see which passive skills have proven to be the most popular, and what is the difference between standard leagues and single leagues, professional leagues and single leagues. We can see that dangerous content has a lifetime It’s not so popular in the leagues, and mechanics who offer exclusive rewards or help equip useful crafts are more popular in single-player leagues. All in all, we hope you enjoy this exploration of player behavior. Let us know What you like about the Atlas tree, what you don’t like, more content you would like to see, and your general attitude towards the Atlas tree. We are studying your feedback and look forward to continuing to develop the system."

Previously, GGG also revealed that Path Of Exile players have completed more than 20 million rituals-approximately 23 successfully completed clearances per second. With the release of the Atlas Echoes add-on in January 2021, the game's online record broke its peak. The next Path Of Exile League will begin in April. By 2021, the game will have four updates. At the same time, it is recommended that you Buy POE Currency from POECurrency to enhance the game's strength.
