Ever wondered what happens when you die? You will find to new places the holy skies along with OSRS gold the wicked depths. If you die with no skull you will go to the holy skies. It will be cloudy and pleasant. There are a few holy ghosts. Should you speak to them they can provide you hints. (I might take this out). To get out you've got to go to the gate and talk to Saradomins helper.
Hello, fantastic day. I died. I see. As you're here you have to be a good man, here are your 3 best items. Thanks! I'll give you another chance, bye try to not die again, wait what is your title? Type in your title - This may confuse autoers. Thanks have fun! If you had a skull you will go to the evil depths. That is volcanoey. Go the gate and Speak to Zamaroks Assistant.
Whaddya want? Hi? I died? Loser! Could I have my things back? No, loser, I didn't get your things loser. Lazy... Get out of my sight. Fine! Wait I need to add your name to the hall of loser, If you tell me your name I will let you go. Type in your title. BYE LOSER. . If you had shield on a message will appear. The ability of Guthix protects a product and Runescape gold 2107 you believe it float back into your inventory." This applies for both areas. What's the use? It's interesting.
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