Madden 21 Ultimate Team: Upgraded cards include Ezekiel Elliott

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Joining him is Shaquil Griffin, currently a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The new content pack for Madden 21 Ultimate Team is ahead of the annual Madden Bowl. On Sunday, it was revealed that their "Final Team" mode added four upgraded MCS promotional cards, including Ezekiel Elliott (Ezekiel Elliott and Jacksonville Jaguars defender Shaquil Griffin (Shaquil Griffin), this is what you need now Know the information about the new card that MUT can use to upgrade the Madden 21 Coins, list these or update the theme team.

The latest Madden 21 Ultimate Team promotion is part of the Madden Bowl content, which is part of the annual Madden Championship series, in which talented gamers can release belts, bragging rights and generous bonuses. At the same time, MUT fans will benefit from the reduction in content, including four new MCS cards, each with a total score of 98.

The leader is Elliott of the Cowboys, because the central defender has 97 steals, 97 accelerations, 96 dribbles, 96 speeds and 95 agility points, 95 "direction changes" and Attributes. Since the launch of Project 95 OVR Team Standouts a few months ago, this is Zeke's best graphics card.

Joining him is Shaquil Griffin, currently a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars. The coverage of the 98 area is one of his business cards, with 97 grades in terms of speed and acceleration. The stars covering the area also accepted 95 games, 94 jumps and 94 points to help second place. Buy Madden 21 Coins to get a lot of game characters.

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