Path of Exile team answers questions from the community about game mechanics

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Because the hit is instant, there is an implicit guarantee that the thing that caused the injury will exist when the thing that was hurt dies.

Grinding Gear Games is the driving force behind Path of Exile, bringing together popular questions about game mechanics in the community in the hands-on QA session. Here are some of the topics covered. The questions and answers themselves are really long. If you are a gamer who likes to understand the details and theory of Path of Exile, then you should read it. Topics discussed included the impact of interruptions, Broken Enemy’s bleeding end speed increased by 25%, landmine explosions, and more.

For example, one of the longer answers is about killings by crediting the kills to the killing entity. For example, if a monster is killed by the initial hit of a fire trap, it will bring life to the trap instead of the POE Currency. For this reason, the question is whether it makes more sense to attribute the DOT killing to the applicant entity.

Because the hit is instant, there is an implicit guarantee that the thing that caused the injury will exist when the thing that was hurt dies. The direct effect of the kill can be assigned to that object, and some things, such as experience, can be "chained" because the game can ask that object who is ultimately responsible for what it killed. Inflict damage over time. By applying the debuff to another object, the debuff will be attached to the target, but has nothing to do with the thing to which it is applied.

As mentioned above, the entire article is very extensive, and you can buy POE Items on the POECurrency to get more upgrade shortcuts. The Path of Exile team has been very busy lately and recently released a fix that resolves several annoying bugs.
