Some theories about male alopecia are discussed in detail

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We believe that the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, through a specific mechanism, causes the hair follicles to gradually shrink, resulting in the hair falling out over time

We believe that the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, through a specific mechanism, causes the hair follicles to gradually shrink, resulting in the hair falling out over time. Drugs that lower the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood can alleviate the symptoms of hair loss to a certain extent, and in some cases, they can even reverse the process of hair loss to a certain extent. Patients with hair loss have dihydrotestosterone levels in their blood that are within the normal range, but the concentration of dihydrotestosterone in the scalp tissue around the hair loss site is significantly higher than the normal range. In our opinion, the back occiput and sideburn hair is not sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and does not fall out frequently, so the hair transplant will be limited to the back occiput and sideburn transparent lace wigs.

The following is the mechanism of male hair loss:It is the transition process of hair follicles from terminal hair to vellus hair that is at the heart of hair loss, and it is triggered by DHT stimulation. However, we believe that the current pathogenesis of hair loss is not completely understood, in part because this set of theories has many problems that cannot be explained, such as those outlined below.

Why is it that hair loss is always concentrated on the top of the head and in front of the eyes?
(2) What causes the increase in the male hormone dihydrotestosterone in the area of hair loss?
(3) What is the reason that some people use finasteride to reduce male hormones but are unable to treat hair loss with it? Why is it that the effects of finasteride aren't more effective?
(4a) What is the mechanism by which the male hormone dihydrotestosterone alters the beard, changing it from vellus to terminal hair, and the hair, changing it from terminal to vellus hair?

A number of flaws can be identified with the current theory, it can be stated. The theory advanced by Rob, which I discussed in my previous article about scalp massage stories and thoughts, can be summarized in the following manner:

The following are the results of long-term tension and tightness of the scalp: inflammation in the tight part of the scalp; increased dihydrotestosterone in the inflammation part (in order to relieve inflammation); DHT produces TGF-1 in the tight part of the scalp; fibrosis in the tight part of the scalp. Calcification tightens the scalp, reducing blood flow and oxygen supply to the tight areas of the scalp. Hair follicles begin to shrink, resulting in the development of male alopecia (hair loss).

These processes are merely a series of random personal conjectures, and each step is primarily based on scientific literature and reasonable hypotheses, with the exception of the final step. Rob is an American who possesses strong logical reasoning abilities as well as the ability to conduct a literature review.

It can explain a variety of problems that we have been unable to explain previously, such as why hair loss is more common on the top of the head and on the forehead, which is explained by the shape of the human head, which determines that the scalp at the bob wigs for black women loss site is more tense and more stressful. In many cases, you can feel that the top of your head, forehead and forehead, as well as the scalp that was the first to begin losing hair, is tightly attached to the skull, causing it to become very nervous. Scientific research has demonstrated that the stressful areas of the human scalp are also the areas of the scalp that are prone to hair loss, as documented in scientific research documents. It is more likely that the parts of the scalp that are tight and stressed will produce inflammation, and that the production of inflammation will lead to an increase in androgen, which is more sensitive to androgen in the inflammation part of the scalp.

The function of DHT varies depending on the tissue in question. DHT can even stimulate the growth of hair follicles in other parts of the body, but when there is inflammation in the scalp, DHT can promote the increase of TGF-1 (transfer growth factor) and TGF- 1 (transfer growth factor-1) production. Fibrosis and calcification of the scalp will result as a result of this procedure. The formation of scalp fibrosis will restrict local blood and oxygen circulation, causing the hair follicles to become starved of nutrients and to shrivel and eventually die. As a result, the most important consideration is whether the skin is stressed or not. On the other hand, DHT promotes hair growth in other areas of the body while inhibiting hair growth on the top of the head.

This theory appears to be the more accurate of the two. In the 1950s, the theory of scalp tension had a certain amount of influence in the academic community. The invention of hair transplant technology in the second half of the twentieth century caused this theory of scalp tension to be relegated to the dustbin of history, because the theory can't be proven wrong by conducting experiments against it.

I don't completely agree with Rob's theory because it contains some fantastical elements, and more importantly, this theory has not been tested in the laboratory, or that this theory can tell us more than just whether or not scalp massage can help with Brazilian human hair bob wigs loss prevention. It does not add much real value to the world. Rob's logical reasoning and literature review abilities, as well as the literature views he listed in the process of demonstrating his own points of view, convince me that it is worthwhile to write this article. A great deal of interesting things will come out of this argumentation process in and of itself. As a result, I shared it.

In order to be successful in the discussion, we must keep two very important points in mind:

The pursuit of beauty may come at the expense of one's chance of survival. The use of microneedle technology for hair encryption should be given careful consideration before being implemented.
