Players still have questions about the settings of the next-generation Madden 21 released by EA on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S on December 4. Madden NFL creative director Connor Dougan provides the best answers to typical questions asked by players. Fans who are interested in the next generation of Madden 21 should be able to learn some useful information. If they really want to play it, then it is necessary to get some MUT 21 Coins as soon as possible to use after they enter the game.
One of the typical questions raised by the fans is why the Madden team does not improve the performance of the players in the franchise model. They think that the game team can take this opportunity to bring greater immersion to the players, but in fact the developers did not do so. The answer given by Connor Dougan is that although they are very willing to do this and are also investigating and collecting performance data during injury, it takes them a long time to design and implement various modes and different game modes.
Some players also concluded from the statistical data of the next-generation Madden 21 that it will not use the current data for player ratings, but for generating realistic sports. NGS feels like an amazing technological development, and an opportunity to produce and brag about having the most realistic player ratings in any sports game. So why doesn’t the development team use NGS for player scoring? Connor Dougan’s answer is that next-generation statistics will provide another source of data to help viewers adjust their weekly ratings because they still treat the ratings process and formulas as proprietary and non-automatic.
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